Dealing with VOCs in the Home

Volatile organic compounds, also known as VOCs are composed of a wide range of harmful gases emitted from countless household products, both solid and liquid. Although there are numerous types of VOCs, two of the most widely known are ethanol and acetone. While some HVAC air filters are designed to trap VOC particles, some are not. Either way, it’s important to have a means of effectively removing them from your Snellville, GA home’s air.

Where do VOCs Come From?

If you’ve ever caught a whiff of a paint remover or cleaning product and had your eyes water up, that’s from acetone. While it is possible to find VOC-free alternatives, you will probably have to deal with them at some point in time. Here are just a few common household products that normally contain VOCs:

  • dish detergent and other cleaning products
  • paints and other art supplies
  • carpeting and other building materials
  • candles, incense, and air fresheners
  • glue and other adhesives

What Effects do VOCs Have on Our Health?

Under most circumstances, light to moderate exposure to VOCs doesn’t cause any noticeable symptoms. However, heavy or long-term exposure can cause issues like respiratory inflammation, headaches, and dizziness. Certain VOCs are even known to cause cancer and other serious health problems, This list of health effects will probably grow as time goes on and more data becomes available.

How to Protect Against VOCs

In today’s world, it’s nearly impossible to completely avoid volatile organic compounds. However, a ventilator can remove VOC particles from your home. During periods of heavy exposure, such as painting a room or mopping the entire house with cleaning chemicals, also consider opening a window to help the VOCs air out.

If you’re interested in improving your home’s indoor air quality, Zack Hammonds A/C Heating Refrigeration Inc. is here to help. Visit our website or give us a call at (770) 661-0334 today.

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