How Regular AC Maintenance Can Lower Energy Bills

With the heat and humidity here in Dacula, GA, it’s not usual for air conditioners to run 16 hours a day. Not surprisingly, this takes a real toll on AC equipment. That’s why professional AC maintenance is such a critical tool in keeping your home comfortable and your energy bills low.

The Dirty Secret of AC Maintenance

You may have heard that changing dirty HVAC filters can save enough energy to lower bills by 5% to 15%. While this is true, it’s only one of several ways dirt can stifle your AC’s performance. It clogs up registers, vents and ducts, inhibiting airflow and increasing your system’s workload. It also clings to the evaporator and condenser coils, reducing their ability to absorb and release heat. Regular AC maintenance addresses all these issues, thoroughly cleaning each component to eliminate any built-up dust and dirt.

Can’t Stay Cool Without Coolant

Refrigerant is the lifeblood of modern air conditioning systems, and each unit is designed to contain a specific amount. This is known as its refrigerant charge. This value should change very little over time, but if it does, it can seriously affect your system’s performance. Regular AC maintenance is the only surefire way to ensure that doesn’t happen. Not only can technicians precisely monitor and adjust refrigerant levels, but they can also quickly track down leaks or other energy-wasting issues.

Tuning for Optimal Cooling Performance

Your AC system depends on many different components working in perfect balance to achieve maximum energy efficiency. Consequently, it doesn’t take much for things to go sideways. During service visits, technicians inspect and calibrate everything from AC fan speeds to temperature sensors and thermostat settings. This helps your system deliver cool air more efficiently, delivering greater comfort for every dollar you spend on energy.

It’s time to put an end to wasteful, inefficient cooling and inflated energy costs. Choose a full-service AC maintenance plan from Zack Hammonds A/C Heating Refrigeration and start enjoying lower bills today!

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