Identifying Common Signs of Heat Pump Repair Issues
Heat pumps deliver efficient and reliable heating for Dacula, GA, homes. However, like any household system, you might run into heat pump repair issues that need the expertise of a qualified service technician. Below are some common signs that your heat pump needs repairs.
The Heat Pump Won’t Turn On
When the heat pump won’t turn on, don’t panic. First, check the breaker box to rule out a tripped breaker. If the breaker’s on, check the thermostat’s heat setting to ensure it’s set correctly. If these issues aren’t causing the problem, you might have a broken reversing valve or a damaged starter capacitor. The most obvious sign it’s a reversing valve problem is if the heat pump runs only hot or cold and can’t switch from one to the other.
The Heat Pump Runs Constantly
A heat pump that runs constantly is another sign of heat pump repair issues. During unusually hot or cold weather, you might notice the heat pump runs more often, but it shouldn’t run nonstop. Don’t ignore this problem because a heat pump that runs constantly endures more wear and tear and wastes energy. Usually, what causes this problem is a faulty thermostat or a broken compressor.
The Heat Pump Makes Strange Sounds
Heat pumps generally operate rather quietly, although you might hear them make noises that aren’t cause for concern, like a gentle hum. You should worry if the heat pump rattles or screeches. These sounds point to problems such as a loose fan belt, cover panel, or other system part. The system could also have a leak causing the unit to operate more noisily than normal.
When you suspect your heat pump isn’t working well, call a qualified service technician for troubleshooting and repair. Fixing the problem right away is the surest way to save the most money and keep your heat pump performing its best for many years. Contact Zack Hammonds A/C Heating Refrigeration Inc. for solutions to all your heat pump repair issues.
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