Keeping Your Indoor Air Healthy

Like many other Conyers, Georgia, buildings, your home may be sealed up tight to prevent expensive cooled air from escaping. Plugging leaks can keep your utility bills in line, but the resulting lack of ventilation can cause poor indoor air quality. Airborne toxins can reach dangerously high concentrations and become hazardous to health, and the occupants of the building can develop a condition called sick building syndrome (SBS).

What Is Sick Building Syndrome?

Symptoms of SBS are often mistakenly attributed to other conditions like colds, flu, allergies and respiratory disorders. Symptoms can include dizziness, headaches, random aches and pains, sore throat, coughing, difficulty breathing, nausea, exhaustion, itchy skin and light-sensitive eyes.

How Is Sick Building Syndrome Treated?

SBS will usually clear up when the cause of the problem is removed. Common airborne contaminants that cause SBS include viruses, dust and dust mites, spores, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), bacteria, dander, pet hair, pollen, household cleaning agents, second-hand smoke and various other toxins. If you suffer from SBS and these particles are removed from your indoor air, you’ll breathe easier and feel better.

How a Ventilation System Can Help

Insufficient fresh air is a common cause of SBS. Airborne contaminants that collect in a tightly-sealed environment have nowhere to go. An effective solution is a Trane FreshEffects™ Energy Recovery Ventilator. It moves contaminated air out of your home and brings fresh and preconditioned air inside. Thanks to advanced technology, this is accomplished without a corresponding loss of energy. Energy-recovery ventilators work best in warm climates with high humidity like Conyers, Georgia.

How an Air Cleaner Can Help

Trane CleanEffects™ is a state-of-the-art air cleaner that uses ground-breaking technology to trap airborne contaminants and remove them from indoor air. This revolutionary system can filter out up to 99.98 percent of unhealthy airborne particles including pollen, dust, bacteria, spores, dust mites, pet hair, lint, viruses and dander. The Trane CleanEffects™ system is more effective than even the best HEPA filters.

To learn more about other indoor air quality systems such as air purifiers, steam humidifiers and UV lamps, visit Zack Hammonds A/C Heating Refrigeration Inc., or call (770) 661-0334 to get more detailed information.

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