Looking to Upgrade Your Commercial Space’s Ventilation System?
The air quality inside your Covington, GA, commercial establishment plays a vital role in the success of your business. It affects the health of building occupants as well as employee productivity, customer satisfaction, and business associates’ confidence. If you’re looking to upgrade your commercial space’s ventilation system, here are a few things to keep in mind.
Signs You Should Upgrade Your Commercial Ventilation
If your commercial facility doesn’t have adequate ventilation, pollutants don’t have anywhere to go. Modern buildings have a tight seal, which is beneficial because it keeps conditioned air inside and lowers your energy bill. It also means that contaminants get trapped inside, lowering your indoor air quality. Here are some signs that your commercial ventilation isn’t up to par:
- Stale air
- Lingering odors
- Visible mold growth
- High humidity
- Window condensation
- Sick building syndrome
Reasons Why You Might Need to Upgrade
Your commercial ventilation system pulls in fresh air from the outside and expels contaminated air out of your building. If you’re experiencing any of the above symptoms, something is wrong with your equipment. We can troubleshoot your system and pinpoint the problem. Here are a few reasons why you might need a commercial ventilation upgrade:
- Neglected maintenance
- Expansion of your commercial space
- Aging equipment
- To comply with current building codes
Why Qualified HVAC Professionals Should Do Your Upgrade
Because commercial ventilation is critical to your business, qualified professionals like Zack Hammonds A/C Heating Refrigeration should handle your upgrade. Excellent indoor air quality depends on various factors, and your commercial ventilation upgrade has to integrate seamlessly with your HVAC equipment. Correct sizing is also important, as over- and under-sizing both lead to inefficiency and high energy bills.
To learn more about how commercial ventilation plays a role in healthy indoor air, check out our commercial indoor air quality services. Or call today and talk with one of our qualified HVAC professionals.
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